Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Tuesday September 9, 2014:  Today has been a very busy day rushing and and checking off  items on our long list of tasks to accomplish before we leave for Uganda tomorrow evening.  Our team is comprised of ten persons, of which 5 have been to Uganda previously.  The fall team consists of John and Sue Waechter, Dave and Karen Viele, Bill and Diane Bush, Michelle Bush, Roger Vern Moll, Ginny Donald, and Antoinette (Toni) Petrella-Stanfield

Of the group 7 are from Midland, Toni is from Traverse City and the Viele's are from Holt.  You will recall that the Dave and Karen were members of the Spring 2014 trip.  This is the first time that two trips have been made to Uganda.  The Midland group with Toni will leave for the Detroit apirport around 1:30 pm for our flight at 6:16 pm.  The Viele's will meet the group at the airport with their 6 suitcases.  In total, we are taking 22 suitcases.

The flight is long, as stated we leave Detroit tomorrow at 6:16 pm and arrive in Entebbe, Uganda Thursday evening at 10:40 pm, allowing for the 7 hour time change our travel time is approximately, 21 hours. We will begin updating the blog daily beginning Friday.  We look forward to updating you on our activities and how everyone is doing in the village.

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